Our efforts are organized into five research areas. The first four research areas are aligned with specific DOE program areas: Regional and Global Modeling and Analysis (RGMA), MultiSector Dynamics (MSD), Earth System Model Development (ESMD), and Earth System Science (ESS). The final, cross-cutting research area leverages tools from all four program areas to address topics that are relevant across all sponsoring programs. Click on a research area in the figure below to learn more.
Long-term changes in flooding, drought, hypoxia, and other coastal hazards
Impacts of urbanization, development, and other land-use changes on coastal systems
Grid generation, remote sensing, and other cross-cutting data and tools
Large-scale drivers of storms, droughts, and other extreme events
Influence of surface-atmosphere interactions on extreme events
Influence of land surface process on land-atmosphere interactions
The influence of natural system stressors on human systems in coastal regions
The influence of coastal development patterns and infrastructure on flood risk
The influence of adaptation strategies on co-evolving human and natural systems